Form a New Limited Liability Company

There is a FEE of $40.00 for this filing.

Choose the type of LLC you are filing

Limited Liability Company Name

You must provide a name for the LLC

Choose a business ending for your LLC

Entities Email

Vapor Products Retailer

Management Type

Select a Management Type


If checked, this is a veteran-owned business as defined by KRS 14A.2-070(45) and 14A.2-165. You must include DD-214 forms of all prospective veteran-owners with redactions to remove social security numbers, dates of birth, and home addresses. Note: DD-214s will not be available for public view and will be destroyed after verification by the Secretary of State.

Principal Office

The fields in green are required
City / State / Zip
Additional articles not inconsistent with law may be stated in the space below.
Effective Date:

Signatures of Organizers

Organizer's Name:

Registered Agent / Office

The fields in green are required
Street Address
City / State / Zip Code

Signature of Registered Agent

You must choose one option below
Complete the organizational filing form:

Correct the errors above before the company can be filed. All fields in green are required.