Register to Become a Pollworker

Poll workers play a critical role in ensuring free, fair and accessible elections.

We can’t open the polls without poll workers. We have seen a steep decline in volunteers willing to fulfill this civic duty, and we need your help!

To serve as a poll worker, you must

  • Be registered to vote in your county. Check your registration, update your registration, or register to vote at
  • Attend training; and
  • Be available to work all a voting day.

You may not serve as a poll worker if:

  • You are candidate on the ballot or an official write-in candidate in the election.
  • You are the parent, child, sibling, or spouse of a candidate on the ballot or an official write-in candidate.
  • You are prohibited from serving as an election official due to any other laws or disqualifications.

Please note that not all counties will need additional poll workers for the General Election. Once you fill out the form, you will be contacted by your county clerk if your services are needed.

Select Your County  
First Name  
Last Name  
EMail Address  
Phone Number  
Select Your Party  
Residence Address  