Kentucky Trademarks and Service Marks Search

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To search the database, select the search criteria and enter keywords that can identify the mark. The returned results will also display an option to search within those results.

Thank you for using the Kentucky Secretary of State’s Trademark Database. It is important to understand the limitations of the database. Please review the following information.

  • The fact that a mark is not present on the web does not necessarily mean that the mark is not currently being used as a trademark. Images, where present, are scanned in full color for the purposes of this database. This does not indicate a claim to color by the applicant unless otherwise noted.
  • The trademark database is a live database updated continuously.
  • The database contains only those trademarks and service marks registered with the state of Kentucky.
  • The trademark database does not contain information on federal, foreign, or common law trademarks, nor trademarks registered with other states.
  • The database does not list pending applications.
  • Any perceived error or inconsistency in these records must be resolved by examining the official record, which is the physical application/registration on file. The Kentucky Secretary of State's Office is in the process of computerizing old data files. This database continues to improve as original registrations are examined and the information is confirmed on the database. Please contact the office to verify information.